Thursday, December 23, 2010

A Cozy Little Christmas

Snapped a couple pics of the festivities....oooh so toasty warm!

First Fire of the Season!
Our pretty, little, Christmas Tree
A Christmas wish!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Mmm..erry Christmas!

Ding round 100...or so it feels like it! Nothing like another huge, Minnesota snow storm to kick off the holiday baking festivities.  Good thing that I had all the ingredients, I'm not sure that the Jetta would have successfully scaled the mountain at the end of our driveway.  But what better way to spend a snowy Saturday? 

Let's get to the baking....
Mmmm...Joe's favorites! I sure wish I was wrapping myself with the cookies and taking a little plane ride to California too! favorite and oh so easy!

And Last but not least! The crowd favorite this season...

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sharing the Christmas love...

Very Merry December!  In honor of the holiday/list making season and as a way to spread some love, I thought I'd pass along a list of my favorite things.  I've officially transitioned from perusing wedding blogs to a more "wifely" kind of and decorating! Martha Stewart you better look out.  With the help of my is a list of my favorite blogs to visit!  I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.