Thursday, January 12, 2012

Welcome to the World Finley William!

After close to 6 months of blog hiatus we (all three of us!) are back.  We thoroughly enjoyed our little hiatus as we prepared and celebrated the anticipated arrival of baby Finn.   Thank you to all of our family and friends who so graciously showered us with gifts, parties, prayers, dinners and encouragement over the last 9 months.  We are so excited that Finn finally arrived (more on that later) and can't wait for him to meet and spend time with each of you.  The best is yet to be!

So now, with out further adieu...Welcome to the world Finley William Stoks! And thank you to Auntie Ashley for capturing all of our excitement! 

Finley was born at 12:15 AM Christmas morning, weighing 7 pounds 12.5 ounces.  We couldn't be more in love!

Here is the recap of Finn's arrival. Earlier in the week, after a doctor's appointment and a rather frustrating update on the babies progress, my doctor had told me that I'd probably be waiting until after Christmas to welcome my little gift.  So after a few tears of impatience I decided that I would try and enjoy the last few days of being pregnant. Which I did.  I broke a few "bedrest" rules and made Christmas cookies, wrapped gifts, took Oliver for a couple walks around the block and even did a little swimming (I was pretending to be at peace with the waiting, but I figured a little activity might get things moving :) ) No such luck!  

Which brings us to Christmas eve morning.  Barrett and I have a little tradition of celebrating Christmas by making breakfast, opening our stockings and lounging around watching Christmas movies the morning of Christmas eve before the full-blown festivities begin, so that's just what we did.  We slept in, slowly got up (believe me I was getting real slow rolling out of bed), thoroughly enjoyed some homemade carmel rolls and started a Christmas movie.  I took a little nap in the middle of the movie and about halfway through the movie I got up from the couch for a minute....hmmm that doesn't feel normal!  Could my water have broken?  To be honest, I wasn't sure.  So after a quick check with Auntie Kris (my very own pregnancy expert! THANK YOU!) We decided we should probably pack our bags and head to the hospital.  It was very anticlimactic, no rushing around or racing to the hospital, I even showered so that I'd be photo ready when Finn arrived.  Yes...I'm so vain!  

We got the hospital and got all checked in around 1PM, the nurse confirmed that my water had actually broken and the babe was on his way.  So we called Auntie Ashley and she notified the fam!  It was really fun and super exciting!  
After some walking and about 5 hours of labor I decided that it was time for an epidural.  I had the most wonderful nurse who made sure everything was working perfectly!  So perfectly that when the first epidural didn't work she assertively called the doctor back and insisted that he try again.  Whewwww relief!  

From there things progressed just perfectly, literally, And after about an hour and a half of pushing and encouragement from the two best cheerleaders in the world (THANK YOU AUNTIE ASH, and the SWEETEST HUSBAND EVER!)  Finley William Stoks made his grand entrance, on his due date! Words cannot begin to describe how perfect and sweet he is and I love him and Barrett more and more each day.  I am so blessed and cannot imagine life any differently!  I am so lucky!

We have been loving our new little family, Auntie Ashley snapped the following pictures of sweet Finn at 6 days old.  We hope you love the pictures as much as we do!

 I know, I probably shouldn't let my puppy kiss the baby but I couldn't resist the photo opp!

 And Vogue!

 Love my boys!


  1. I read this post. I cry. At work. XO!

  2. These pictures are great and I love your post. Can't wait to follow more on The Adventures of Finn :) Love you!

  3. Oh. My. Gosh. Most beautiful post EVER! What an amazing little family, brings tears to my eyes! I cannot wait to meet Finn! Love you!

  4. Congrats Amy! What a beautiful story and beautiful family!

  5. Amy what a beautiful family you have. You are such a wonderful mother,wife, & friend. I must say looking at these pictures and reading your blog, I too cried at the pure joy of your words. I could honestly feel your excitment and love for the boys! Congrats and I love you sunshine! Can't wait to meet Finn:)

  6. lovely pictures of a lovely family...

  7. holy hell i love you. and his hat is perfection. can't wait to see you, suga!
